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Blinkender Text Hey Leute, unser Clantag für Battlefield Bad Company ist: =FSA= Euer Blacki
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Hauptseite » Fotoalbum » Meine Familie » CW gegen [ACU]
Aufrufe: 924 | Größen: 1024x768px/503.7Kb
Datum: 2010-01-04 | Hinzugefügt von: Black-Man1994
Foto in Originalgröße betrachten
Rating: 2.7/3

Kommentare insgesamt: 1
1 Ayman  
Lori Nikki, you are truly inspirational. I took a ppsiolohhy class in college a few years ago, and didn't fully appreciate Camus. I read that he was one of your favorites, and just had to dig out my old books. I have recently re-read his works, and can understand why he is such an inspiration to you. I have also revisited my admiration for Hanson. I was a fan when they first came out, sort of forgot about them, but now have taken an interest again. So thank you for helping me to revisit, and appreciate things from my youth. You are such an amazing, down to earth, humble woman. I truly hope you stay that way. You are someone that so many young women can admire, and relate to.

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